Dragon Medical One
PC Requirements
Recommended system specs for Dragon Medical One
VoiceX recommends the following minimum specifications for Dragon Medical One:
OS: 64-bit Microsoft Windows Operating Systems, with latest patches applied
.NET: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (or higher) is required
Processor Speed: 2.8Ghz
Internet Connection: 80kBps and higher
Microphones: Android or iOS Smartphone running the Nuance PowerMic Mobile app and/or a microphone recommended for speech recognition. Please view the "Microphones Recommended for Speech Recognition" page for a full range of dictation microphones
Web Browser: We recommend Google Chrome
Internet Access Requirements
Dragon Medical One is a cloud-based speech recognition solution. Certain sites may have firewall rules and/or content filters that limit internet access. In some cases, you may need to request your IT administrator to provide you access to the following Internet domains and ports.
Users who do not require a medical vocabulary should consider using the new Dragon Professional Anywhere Cloud Speech Recognition for Professionals. Dragon Professional Anywhere is now available in Australia from VoiceX. You can read more about the new cloud speech recognition solution at www.voicex.com.au/dragon-professional-anywhere